MLOps Tools

Types, Key Features, and Top 6 Solutions

What Are MLOps Tools?

MLOps seeks to automate the entire lifecycle of developing, deploying, and monitoring models by combining machine learning, DevOps, and data engineering. MLOps tools are software applications designed to facilitate this integration, streamlining workflows, and enhancing collaboration between data scientists, ML engineers, and IT operations teams.

In this article, you will learn:

MLOps Tools Categories

MLOps tools are essential for managing and optimizing AI infrastructure, enabling teams to create more efficient and effective models.

MLOps tools can be categorized based on their functionality:

  • Data management: These tools help in organizing datasets for training and testing purposes while ensuring data quality.
  • Model training and evaluation: This category includes platforms that enable efficient model training with features like hyperparameter tuning or distributed computing support.
  • Version control: These tools help in tracking changes to code, data, and models throughout the development process.
  • Model deployment and monitoring: These solutions facilitate deploying ML models into production environments while monitoring their performance over time.
  • Orchestration: This category includes tools that automate workflows, optimize resource management, and manage dependencies between tasks within an MLOps pipeline.

Challenges that MLOps Platforms Solve

Here are a few reasons MLOps tools are important for modern data science teams:

1. Accelerate Model Development

MLOps tools enable faster model development by simplifying workflows and reducing manual effort required to train, test, and deploy models. For instance, Amazon SageMaker provides an integrated environment where developers can easily build custom algorithms or use pre-built ones to create ML models quickly.

2. Improve Collaboration Between Teams

Tools like MLflow facilitate seamless collaboration by tracking experiments' progress across different stages of the pipeline, while maintaining version control over codebase changes.

3. Enhance Model Quality & Performance

Maintaining high-quality performance is critical when deploying ML models into production environments; otherwise, they may not deliver accurate predictions or meet desired service levels (SLAs).

With MLOps tools like TensorFlow Extended (TFX), you can monitor your model's performance continuously throughout its lifecycle—from training through deployment—enabling rapid identification of issues that could impact accuracy or reliability before they become significant problems.

4. Better Version Control and Reproducibility

Reproducibility is a must for machine learning, as it enables the same results to be replicated in different settings. MLOps tools help manage version control for both code and data, making it easier to track changes and reproduce experiments when needed. For example, Kubeflow provides a platform that allows you to package your ML workflows into portable containers so they can run on any Kubernetes cluster.

5. Streamline Model Deployment and Scaling

MLOps tools simplify the process of deploying models into production by automating various tasks such as containerization, load balancing, or auto-scaling resources based on demand. This helps ensure that your models are always available and performing optimally even during peak usage periods—without requiring manual intervention from IT operations teams. For example, Run:ai creates a pool of shared GPU and other compute resources that are provisioned dynamically to meet the needs of machine learning jobs.

6. Enhance Security and Compliance

Data privacy regulations like GDPR require organizations to maintain strict controls over how personal information is processed and stored within their systems—including machine learning applications where sensitive data may be used for training purposes. By using MLOps tools with built-in security features, you can better protect your organization's valuable data assets while ensuring compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.

Key Features of MLOps Tools

Here are a few key features that make MLOps tools indispensable for machine learning engineers and data scientists.

1. End-to-end Workflow Management

A comprehensive MLOps tool should provide an end-to-end workflow management system that simplifies complex processes involved in building, training, and deploying ML models. This includes support for data preprocessing, feature engineering, hyperparameter tuning, model evaluation, and more.

A well-designed workflow management system enables teams to collaborate effectively by automating repetitive tasks and providing visibility into each stage of the process.

2. Model Versioning and Experiment Tracking

An important aspect of any MLOps solution is its ability to track experiments and manage different versions of trained models efficiently. With proper version control in place, teams can easily compare different iterations of a model, or revert back to previous versions if needed.

3. Scalable Infrastructure Management

Maintaining a scalable infrastructure is crucial when dealing with large-scale machine learning projects as it ensures efficient resource utilization during both training and inference phases. Most MLOps tools offer seamless integration with popular cloud machine learning platforms, or on-premises environments using container orchestration systems such as Kubernetes.

Distributed training

As datasets and models grow in size, distributed training becomes a necessity to reduce the time required for model training. MLOps tools should support parallelization techniques like data-parallelism or model-parallelism to enable efficient use of multiple GPUs or compute nodes.

Automated resource allocation and scheduling

An effective MLOps tool must provide automated resource allocation and scheduling capabilities that help optimize infrastructure usage by dynamically adjusting resources based on workload requirements. This ensures optimal utilization of available resources while minimizing costs associated with idle hardware.

4. Model Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

Maintaining high-quality ML models requires continuous monitoring and improvement throughout their lifecycle. A robust MLOps solution should offer features such as performance metrics tracking, drift detection, and anomaly alerts, to ensure that deployed models maintain desired accuracy levels over time.

5. Integration with Existing Tools & Frameworks

To maximize productivity and minimize disruption to existing workflows, an ideal MLOps platform should seamlessly integrate with popular machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, as well as other tools commonly used by data scientists (such as Jupyter notebooks). Furthermore, it should also support custom integrations via APIs or SDKs for maximum flexibility in diverse environments.

Related content: Read our guide to MLOps best practices

How to Evaluate MLOps Platforms

Feature Set and Capabilities

When evaluating MLOps platforms, it is crucial to assess the breadth and depth of features they offer. Key features to look for include end-to-end workflow management, robust model versioning, experiment tracking, and scalable infrastructure management. A comprehensive workflow management system will simplify complex processes such as data preprocessing, feature engineering, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation, providing a seamless experience from model development to deployment. 

Robust model versioning ensures that all changes to the model are tracked and documented, facilitating easier debugging, and allowing teams to revert to previous versions if necessary. Scalable infrastructure management is essential for handling large-scale machine learning projects, as it ensures efficient resource utilization during both training and inference phases. 

Alignment with Other Tools in Your Tech Stack

The chosen MLOps platform should integrate with the existing tools and frameworks within your organization's tech stack. This includes compatibility with popular machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn, as well as data processing tools such as Apache Spark and Hadoop. It should also integrate well with DevOps tools like Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes, ensuring smooth deployment pipelines and efficient resource management. The ability to work with version control systems like Git is equally important for maintaining code and model versioning. 

Ensuring alignment with the current technology ecosystem will streamline workflows, reduce the learning curve for team members, and facilitate smoother adoption and higher productivity. Custom integration options via APIs or SDKs can provide additional flexibility, allowing the platform to fit into unique workflows and environments. This alignment ensures that the MLOps platform enhances, rather than disrupts, existing processes, leading to more efficient and cohesive operations.

Knowledge and Skills in the Organization

‍Consider the existing knowledge and skill levels within your organization when selecting an MLOps platform. The platform should be intuitive and user-friendly for your data scientists, engineers, and IT professionals, with a manageable learning curve. Look for platforms that offer comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and support resources, including community forums, online courses, and responsive customer support, to help team members get up to speed quickly. Platforms with a visual interface or low-code/no-code options can be particularly beneficial for users who may not have extensive coding experience. 

Additionally, consider whether the platform aligns with the team's existing expertise in certain programming languages, frameworks, or tools. If the platform aligns well with the team's expertise, it will enable more efficient model development and deployment processes, reduce the need for extensive training, and minimize disruptions to ongoing projects. This alignment will ultimately lead to higher adoption rates and more effective use of the platform's capabilities.

Cost and Licensing

Cost is a critical factor in evaluating MLOps platforms. Assess the total cost of ownership, including licensing fees, infrastructure costs, and any additional expenses for training, support, or scaling. Compare the pricing models of different platforms—some may offer pay-as-you-go options, while others might require upfront commitments or subscription-based models. Consider any hidden costs, such as fees for additional features, data storage, or computational resources. It is important to balance cost with the platform’s capabilities and expected return on investment. 

A more expensive platform may offer features that significantly enhance productivity and efficiency, leading to cost savings in the long run. Conversely, a cheaper platform may lack critical features, leading to higher operational costs due to inefficiencies. Conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis, including potential long-term savings from improved workflows and reduced manual intervention, will help you choose a solution that fits within your budget while delivering maximum value.

Active User Community and Future Roadmap

A vibrant and active user community can be a valuable resource for troubleshooting, sharing best practices, and staying updated on the latest developments. Evaluate the community support available for the MLOps platform, including forums, user groups, online resources, and third-party content such as blogs, tutorials, and webinars. An active community can provide insights, advice, and solutions that may not be available through official support channels. Additionally, consider the platform’s future roadmap and commitment to innovation. 

A strong roadmap with planned feature enhancements, regular updates, and a clear vision for future development indicates the provider’s dedication to evolving and improving the platform. Platforms that actively engage with their user community to gather feedback and prioritize features demonstrate a commitment to addressing user needs and staying relevant in a rapidly evolving field. This forward-thinking approach ensures that the platform will continue to meet your organization's needs and adapt to new challenges and opportunities over time.

Top 6 MLOps Tools

Choosing the right MLOps tool is crucial in the machine learning landscape, as it can greatly impact your team's productivity and success. The following are some of the top MLOps tools available today.


Product Page:

Run:ai offers an advanced Scheduler so you don't need to worry about your Data Science teams waiting for a GPU. Features like Quota Management and Fair-Share Scheduling assure everyone gets the GPU resource they need, when they need it.

Give your Data Science and development teams access to easily move models downstream. Run:ai allows one-click provisioning of your data pipeline and compute resources using our Templates feature. We offer out-of-the-box Integrations to Data Science tools, so your team can work undisturbed.

Run:ai's unified Dashboard and management suite allows you to track your teams’ workloads and compute resources usage, all from one place.

Amazon SageMaker

Product page:

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service by AWS that provides developers and data scientists with an end-to-end platform for building, training, and deploying machine learning models. It offers built-in algorithms for common ML tasks, as well as support for custom algorithms using popular frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. Additionally, SageMaker enables easy scaling of model training on distributed infrastructure while providing cost optimization features such as Managed Spot Training.

Azure Machine Learning

Product page:

Azure Machine Learning is Microsoft's cloud-based offering for ML development and deployment, simplifying complex workflows. It supports open-source frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch while also integrating seamlessly with Azure services such as Azure Functions and Kubernetes Service (AKS). Moreover, it includes advanced features like automated hyperparameter tuning (HyperDrive) to optimize model performance efficiently.


Open source project:

An open-source project from Databricks, MLflow aims to streamline various aspects of machine learning lifecycle management. This includes experimentation tracking, reproducibility enforcement across different environments, achieved by packaging code into containers called "projects," sharing trained models among teams or organizations, and deploying models to production. Its modular design allows for easy integration with existing ML tools.

TensorFlow Extended (TFX)

Open source project:

TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is an end-to-end platform designed specifically for TensorFlow users. It provides a suite of components that cover the entire machine learning lifecycle, from data ingestion and validation to model training, serving, and monitoring. TFX's flexibility enables seamless integration into existing workflows. It enables reproducibility across different environments through its support for containerization using Docker or Kubernetes.


Open source project: ​​

Built on top of Kubernetes, Kubeflow is an open-source project aimed at simplifying deployments of machine learning workflows on-premises or in the cloud. By leveraging Kubernetes-native capabilities such as scalability and fault tolerance, Kubeflow offers a unified platform that can handle complex ML workloads efficiently. It supports popular ML frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch, and integrates with other MLOps tools like MLflow or Seldon Core.

Stay Ahead of the ML Curve with Run:ai

In today’s highly competitive economy, enterprises are looking to Artificial Intelligence in general and Machine and Deep Learning in particular to transform big data into actionable insights that can help them better address their target audiences, improve their decision-making processes, and streamline their supply chains and production processes, to mention just a few of the many use cases out there. In order to stay ahead of the curve and capture the full value of ML, however, companies must strategically embrace MLOps.

Run:ai’s AI/ML virtualization platform is an important enabler for Machine Learning Operations teams. Focusing on deep learning neural network models that are particularly compute-intensive, Run:ai creates a pool of shared GPU and other compute resources that are provisioned dynamically to meet the needs of jobs in process. By abstracting workloads from the underlying infrastructure, organizations can embrace MLOps and allow data scientists to focus on models, while letting IT teams gain control and real-time visibility of compute resources across multiple sites, both on-premises and in the cloud.

See for yourself how Run:ai can operationalize your data science projects, accelerating their journey from research to production.