Understanding the GPU Shortage

Impact, Causes, and Solutions

What Is the GPU Shortage?

A graphics processing unit (GPU) is an essential component of modern computers, especially for consumers who use their computers for gaming, video editing, or media production, and organizations who use GPUs for high performance computing (HPC) or training complex machine learning (ML) algorithms. But what happens when this crucial piece of hardware becomes scarce? This is what we refer to as a GPU shortage.

The GPU shortage is a situation where the demand for GPUs significantly exceeds the supply. This situation is not unusual in the tech industry, but the recent GPU shortage has been particularly severe and prolonged, causing significant disruptions for consumers, organizational users, and manufacturers.

This is part of a series of articles about multi GPU.

In this article:

What Are the Causes of the GPU Shortage?

Global Chip Shortage

A global chip shortage, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, severely hampered the production of GPUs. The pandemic disrupted the global supply chain, causing delays in chip production and delivery. Furthermore, the shift to remote work and learning increased the demand for electronic devices, leading to a surge in chip demand.

Additionally, the social distancing measures and other safety protocols implemented in factories further slowed down chip production. All these factors resulted in a severe shortage of chips, with GPUs included. As of 2023, there is still a global shortage of chips.

Influence of Cryptocurrency

Mining of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum is especially effective with high-performance GPUs. Surges in cryptocurrency prices led to a boom in mining activities, increasing the demand for GPUs.

Cryptocurrency miners often buy GPUs in bulk, exacerbating the shortage. Moreover, the profitability of mining has made GPUs a hot commodity, leading to inflated prices. While cryptocurrency mining offers significant economic opportunities, its impact on the GPU market has been largely negative. It has not only contributed to the GPU shortage but also driven up prices, making GPUs less accessible for other users.

Scalping and Price Impact

Scalpers are individuals or groups who buy GPUs in bulk and resell them at inflated prices. They take advantage of the high demand and low supply to make a profit.

Scalping has become a significant issue in the GPU market, further aggravating the shortage and price inflation. It has made it even more challenging for genuine consumers to find and afford GPUs. The rise of online marketplaces and automated bots has made scalping easier and more profitable, fueling its growth.

Rise of Generative AI

The rise of generative AI, specifically large language models (LLMs), has significantly increased the demand for GPUs. New generative AI models require substantial computational power, typically provided by high-end GPUs, for both training and inference phases. As generative AI applications grow in fields like content creation, drug discovery, and autonomous systems, the demand for powerful GPUs has surged.

This increased demand from the AI sector has contributed to the GPU shortage, as AI research and development firms compete with traditional GPU consumers like gamers and graphic designers. The intensive nature of AI workloads also leads to faster wear and tear of GPUs, resulting in more frequent replacements and upgrades, exacerbating the shortage.

NVIDIA Focus on Chips for AI

NVIDIA, a leading GPU manufacturer, has increasingly focused on developing chips specifically tailored for AI applications. This strategic shift is in response to the growing AI market, which requires specialized hardware to efficiently handle complex neural networks and machine learning algorithms. NVIDIA’s AI-oriented GPUs, such as the A100 and the V100, offer features like tensor cores optimized for AI computations, large memory bandwidth, and support for AI software frameworks.

This new focus impacts the overall GPU landscape. As NVIDIA allocates more resources to AI-specific GPUs, it affects the availability of their consumer-grade GPUs, further influencing the dynamics of the GPU shortage.

What Are the Challenges of a GPU Shortage for Consumers?

Here are a few of the ways the GPU shortage impacts individual users of GPUs:

  • Limited availability: The shortage has made it difficult for consumers to find the GPUs they want, leading to long waiting times and frustration. This is particularly true for the latest models, which are in high demand but scarce in supply.
  • Inflated prices: When supply is low and demand is high, prices tend to rise. The shortage has caused prices of GPUs to skyrocket, making them unaffordable for many consumers.
  • Lower quality of alternatives: Given the limited availability and inflated prices of GPUs, some consumers are turning to cheaper, less powerful alternatives. These alternatives may not offer the same level of graphics rendering, processing speed, or overall performance as a high-quality GPU. Lower-quality alternatives can lead to other issues such as overheating, system crashes, and reduced lifespan of the device.

What Are the Challenges of GPU Shortage for Organizations?

The GPU shortage presents several challenges for organizations across various sectors. These challenges impact not only their operational capabilities but also their strategic planning and financial health. Here are some key challenges:

  • Delayed project timelines: Organizations relying on GPUs for projects, especially in areas like AI, machine learning, data analysis, and graphics rendering, face delays due to the unavailability of necessary hardware. This can push back project completion dates and affect overall productivity.
  • Increased costs: The shortage often leads to inflated prices for GPUs in the market. Organizations may have to allocate a larger portion of their budget to acquire the necessary GPUs, impacting their financial planning and potentially reducing the resources available for other initiatives.
  • Impeded innovation and research: For sectors like AI research, gaming development, and scientific computation, GPUs are essential for processing complex algorithms and simulations. A shortage can hinder innovation and research efforts, slowing down advancements in these fields.
  • Challenges in workforce utilization: Teams that require GPU resources, such as data scientists and graphics designers, may face idle periods due to the unavailability of necessary hardware, leading to inefficiencies in workforce utilization.
  • Difficulty in scaling operations: For businesses looking to expand their operations, especially tech startups and companies in the data analytics and AI sectors, the GPU shortage poses a significant barrier to scaling up their computational resources, thereby limiting growth opportunities.

How to Solve the GPU Shortage Problem

Here are a few ways consumers, governments, and GPU manufacturers could prevent GPU shortages in the future.

Using Cloud GPUs

Cloud GPUs are virtual graphics processing units that reside on a cloud server rather than on a user's local machine. They can be accessed and used over the internet, offering the advantage of scalability and flexibility.

The primary benefit of cloud GPUs is that they avoid the need for users to purchase a physical GPU. This could significantly reduce the demand for new GPUs and help alleviate the shortage. Moreover, cloud GPUs offer the potential for users to access more powerful processing capabilities than they could afford or fit into their local hardware.

Regulating Cryptocurrency Mining

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum require significant processing power to mine, and GPUs are often used for this purpose. This has contributed to the increased demand for GPUs and the subsequent shortage.

Regulating cryptocurrency mining could involve implementing policies that limit the number of GPUs that can be used for mining or taxing cryptocurrency mining to make it less profitable. This could potentially reduce the demand for GPUs and help ease the shortage.

Diversifying Supply Chains

Currently, the production of GPUs is heavily centralized, with a few large companies like Nvidia and AMD dominating the market. This centralization makes the supply chain vulnerable to disruptions, such as factory shutdowns or shipping delays, which can lead to shortages.

Both individuals and organizations can turn to other suppliers to reduce the risk of disruptions and increase the resilience of the GPU market. This will incentivize more companies to enter the GPU production market and encourage existing companies to diversify their production activity.

Implementing Purchase Limits

Finally, implementing purchase limits on GPUs could be a solution to the shortage. This could involve limiting the number of GPUs that an individual or company can purchase within a certain time frame. This would prevent bulk buying and hoarding, which can exacerbate shortages.

Purchase limits could be enforced by retailers or by the GPU manufacturers themselves. They could be implemented on a temporary basis, to be lifted once the shortage has been resolved.

However, implementing purchase limits also has its challenges. It can be difficult to enforce these limits effectively, especially with online sales. There's also the risk of creating a black market for GPUs, where individuals buy up GPUs to resell at a higher price.

GPU Management and Virtualization With Run:ai

Run:ai automates resource management and workload orchestration for machine learning infrastructure. With Run:ai, you can automatically run as many deep learning experiments as needed on multi-GPU infrastructure.

Here are some of the capabilities you gain when using Run:ai:

  • Advanced visibility—create an efficient pipeline of resource sharing by pooling GPU compute resources.
  • No more bottlenecks—you can set up guaranteed quotas of GPU resources, to avoid bottlenecks and optimize billing.
  • A higher level of control—Run:ai enables you to dynamically change resource allocation, ensuring each job gets the resources it needs at any given time.

Run:ai simplifies machine learning infrastructure pipelines, helping data scientists accelerate their productivity and the quality of their models.

Learn more about the Run:ai GPU virtualization platform.